Stay tuned, our new website is coming soon 🎉

A youth-led catalyst for change.

Let’s be real. We’re in a mess. We exist in both a mental health and climate crisis.

We created The Resilience Project to resource other young people concerned about the climate crisis in finding their peace, their power and their people.

We believe that if we start by strengthening our emotional and psychological resilience, we can do anything.

We believe that if we develop transformational leadership skills in strong communities, we can turn the tide

Why we do what we do

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75% of young people feel frightened about the future
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We are losing powerful agents of change to burnout

We experienced the problems,
so we became the solution.

We believe the best people to help us thrive are others like us, who understand our climate anxiety (trust us, we get it).

With our unique understanding of the situation - both from a climate, youth and mental health perspective - our work is pioneering a new approach.

In 2020, we began The Resilience Project to create accessible and scalable mental health and leadership support for young people like us.

We were provided a home by the organisation Collectively until the end of 2021.

In 2022, we became an independent organisation that is entirely youth-led.

From our 2020 pilot project to our 13-and-counting peer support Resilience Circles in the UK and beyond, we are making waves by developing resilience in young people like ourselves.

Why youth led


Our vision is a bigger, inclusive and sustainable international youth movement, resourced by connection, community and skill share.


Creating in-person and virtual spaces filled with joy, inclusion, co-design, community and courage.


Striving to have real talk and honest conversations about power, privilege and justice.

What we stand for

Support us in helping others like us.

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