We all need help sometimes.
Getting help can be frustrating. That's why we've created a resource list to get you the help you need. It's currently focused on UK resources, but we aim to expand this in future.
As young people, there are often financial barriers to getting help, which is why we list mostly free or low-cost services.
Thank you to organisations such as Black Minds Matter, Saffron Records, MIND and Off the Record whose own resources have helped to guide this list.
View our resourcesQuick Tips
Not sure how to help the young people in your life who are feeling climate anxiety?
- Listening to their concerns, even if they're hard to hear and validate their emotions.
- Let them know that climate anxiety isn't a mental health illness, it's a natural and healthy reaction to a crisis. It shows they are aware of their surroundings and that they care about the future. 84% of 16-25 year olds feel climate anxiety, so they aren't alone.
- Share your feelings with them.
- Simply telling them that you're scared too can go a long way in making young people feel understood. It's frustrating and alienating to think you're the only one who feels this way, so let them know they aren't.
- Don't try and "fix" these feelings.
- Young people feeling climate anxiety aren't broken, they're awake. They don't need to be fixed, they need to be listened to. Help them find ways to process their climate emotions and take positive action.

We're building an open source library of resources to help everyone.
Click the icons below to find relevant information for you.
Force of Nature, Caroline Hickman and Clover Hogan : getting to grips with eco-anxiety
Clover Hogan, Force of Nature, interviews depth psychologist Caroline Hickman on what eco-anxiety is and how we can transform it.
University of Bath Minerva Lecture on Climate Crisis & Young People with Elouise Mayall UK Youth Climate Coalition) (July 2020)
Caroline Hickman and Elouise Mayall, recent graduate from the University of East Anglia and member of the UK Youth Climate Coalition, engage in discussion about the climate crisis, coronavirus and anxiety.
UK Council for Psychotherapy, ‘Psychotherapy: A crucial role’
This article explores how the profession needs to change to offer support with climate anxiety.
The Ho Foundation, ‘Deep Dive: The Need for Wellbeing, Resilience and Mentoring Support for the Environmental Youth Movement’
A global scan of wellbeing in the youth landscape, and its needs.
The Guardian, 'Hijacked by anxiety: how climate dread is hindering climate action’
Guardian article detailing the growing school of psychologists who believe that the trauma of the climate crisis is a key barrier to change.
The Conversation, ‘What psychotherapy can do for the climate and biodiversity crises’
Caroline Hickmen discusses how a renewed focus on psychology can provide deeper insights into the ecological and climate crisis.
The Conversation, ‘I’m up late at night worrying about global warming – please can you put my mind at rest?’
Psychologist Caroline Hickman interviews a young girl about her experience with eco-anxiety.
The Conversation, ‘I’m a psychotherapist – here’s what I’ve learned from listening to children talk about climate change’
Psychotherapist Caroline Hickman details healing the intergenerational rift, inspired by what she has learnt from her long career listening to young people talk about climate change.
The Conversation, ‘A psychotherapist explains why some adults are reacting badly to young climate strikers’
Caroline Hickman draws on psychology to explain the condemnation of the youth strike movement from some adults.
Teach the Future campaign
Teach the Future is a persistent campaign by secondary and tertiary education students to greatly improve education on the climate emergency and ecological crisis in the UK.
Stories of climate coaching
Charly Cox and the Climate Change Coaches share first hand practitioner experiences.
Scientific American, ‘Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon’
Author of ‘A field guide to climate anxiety’, Sarah Jaquette Ray explores why eco-anxiety seems to be felt predominantly by white people.
Royal Society of Psychiatrists resources
This online content helps parents and carers identify and support children experiencing eco-distress.
Royal Society of Psychiatrists', Eco-distress in young children podcast
Child and adolescent psychiatrist, Dr Catriona Mellor, talks to two young people about the mental health impacts of the climate catastrophe.
Royal College for Psychiatrists, ‘Eco-distress’
Support in understanding and coping with eco-distress from the Royal Society of Psychiatrists
Rise Up to Reboot the Future - e-book and companion guide
Rise Up to Reboot the Future tells the story of the next five years and how young people can play a role in transforming the world into a fairer and more sustainable place. The accompanying resources flexibly slot into tutor group sessions or any gaps in the timetable, allowing teachers to spark conversations with their students.
How changemakers’ inner wellbeing influences their work
A cross-sector report on how increased attention to individual and collective wellbeing has net benefits for all.
Friends of the Earth podcast: what is eco anxiety?
In episode 5 of FoE’s podcast, Climate Campaigner Muna Suleiman talks to producer Isobel, journalist Emma Beddington and psychotherapist Caroline Hickman about eco anxiety, how to deal with stressful feelings, and why feelings of despair might actually be a good thing.
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