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Our 2024 Impact Report

Katie Hodgetts

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2024 was a testing time for Global politics. 'Resilience' felt both a distant hope and an increasing collective priority. In the throes of turmoil, our youth-led work has been a reminder of the power of kindness, virtue and agency.

I have personally found refuge in the photos and testimonials of our peer support communities, in Slovakia, Mumbai, Nairobi, Kampala, Singapore, Bristol and more. I am rooted in my belief that peer support—with its ability to inspire connection, heal wounds and build tenacity—could be one of our greatest forms of climate action moving forward.

When 2024 began with a trip to meet the Icelandic President, I wondered; 'Where do we go from here?' But the global grandeur continued. I am thrilled that each year of The Resilience Project brings new opportunities. However, our 4th year brought them in abundance, with international expansion, pioneering research and global partnerships.

Meeting the President

We trained youth climate champions across Europe and East Africa, delivered community intervention in 10 countries, hosted a special youth event at New York Climate Week and launched our official partnership with our friends at LUSH.

We brought in intergenerational mentors to support the young and co-designed an extraordinary bit of research on our programmes with Stanford and Imperial College London.

With 100% of our Resilience Residential participants describing our Residential as 'Life-Changing', our challenge remains how to raise the revenue to deliver these impacts at scale. 2025 brings a fresh challenge of matching expansion with stability... Watch this space!

